Oculus Rift tip

I tried playing Vendetta Online with my Oculus Rift but when it launched I only got the error “Failed to create eye texture”.

I also tried playing A Township Tale and all I saw was a box with the game’s Title screen and “Loading…”.

I popped into the Township Discord channel and chatted to a couple guys there. They didn’t know what was up but suggested unplugging and replugging the Rift. That didn’t work, but it gave me an idea which DID.

My setup was as follows:

Oculus Rift –plugged into–> nVidia 1070ti card. Windows desktop LCD monitors –plugged into–> Builtin Intel graphics card.

I changed it to:

Oculus Rift AND Windows Monitor #1 –plugged into–> nVidia card. Other LCD monitor –plugged into–> Builtin Intel graphics card.

Now when I launch these games, they successfully launch in the Rift headset.

All of the Oculus Store games worked fine in the original setup. It was only when I played these other VR games which were built for Windows and when they launch they connect to the Oculus Rift.

Vendetta Online looks mad cool on the Rift, but the tutorial doesn’t know the difference so it says “Press X to..” and “Press … to …”. Of course none of the controls are mapped to the Rift Touch controllers which you can use, but you point to a ship/asteroid to interact with it. Sadly, it does not have speech-to-text like the Gear VR so I have to use the virtual keyboard to type — which is a pain. Windows can do some speech-to-text so it’d be handy if they’d incorporate that. I can also always use my Steelseries Stratus XL gamepad to play VO as I’ve now paired it with my Windows 10 desktop using the motherboard’s builtin Bluetooth chip.

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