Category Archives: TRSE


I can’t believe I haven’t posted about this here. I programmed a game for the VZ200 using TRSE!

Millipede for VZ200

It was quite a lot of fun to do. It also motivated me to provide a lot more library support for the VZ200. I ported all of my Foxglovz game library for the VZ to TRSE since both are just Assembly calls.

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VZ200 Christmas demo

I saw a few people had written demos for Christmas for the Commodore 64 and other platforms and I decided I didn’t want the Dick Smith VZ200 to miss out. So, I got out Aseprite and designed some very large sprites and a heading in Paint.Net

Next, I wrote all the required code in Turbo Rascal Syntax Error.

You can see the results below:

TRSE Demo for VZ200

I’ve added in support for non-destructable sprites and fixed a few other things (one with the help of Leslie Ayling on the VZ200 Facebook group, THANKS!) 🙂
You can write text, draw sprites, make sounds, etc using Turbo Rascal Syntax Error.
Next, I need to work out support for joysticks and reading keys held down. (You can currently scan for keyboard presses using ROM Calls but this is not efficient and doesn’t work too well for games).

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Turbo Rascal Syntax Error “;” expected but BEGIN

This past week I became interested in this funky development environment called TRSE. They have written a (mostly) Pascal compiler and IDE, etc for 8-bit and 16-bit computers. I noticed they had not covered the Dick Smith VZ200 which was my first love in computers, so I asked how hard it’d be to add another Z80 computer.

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