More No Man’s Sky fun!

Played a bunch more of NMS today and tonight. I made a friend!

My companion!
Read more: More No Man’s Sky fun!

And the fun thing is, I can ride him! Altho he’s not very fast. In fact, he’s slower than I walk I think haha!

Riding my companion!

I also set up electricity at my base. My graphics card would only take glitched photos, though. I did take a photo using the built-in Photo Mode in NMS but damned if I can find where it was saved (if at all). I Googled around but it seems it often does not work.

Twin solar panels and twin batteries powering my storage and Teleporter!

Now I can teleport to the Space Station (or any other teleport locations) and back home again! Woot! 🙂

I managed to fight off some attacks by enemies during my missions tonight. I didn’t even die this time! I got a Forged Passport. This is used when you do some dodgy stuff. You turn it in at the core of a Space Station to reset your reputation. It’s just like you weren’t even doing anything dodgy at all!

Also, my Spaceship got stuck in my home base after I teleported back one time:

Spaceship stuck in home base building.

I could still get inside it and take off, so that was fine. However, if I got in it and back out again it’d place me inside the roof of the base building and I could not get back out of that. Luckily I could still click on the Spaceship and get into the cockpit to take off.

As you can see from the last screenshot I’m doing a mission called Alone Amidst the Stars.

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