The Nth Doctor Adventures: Episode 3 – “They Are Returning”
In this episode, I play three Scottish characters from the same family.
The Nth Doctor Adventures: Episode 3 – “They Are Returning”
In this episode, I play three Scottish characters from the same family.
A short time ago I recorded some dialogue for Player 3 Productions. They have a pinball game coming out soon called “Ladies of Comics Poker Pinball”. They’ve done a couple of cast bio’s for their game and I am currently featured on the Meet The Cast bio page with a short interview.
Have a look at the “Ladies of Comics Poker Pinball” Meet the Cast bio page.
I recently had the wonderful opportunity to record the voice for a Mystery Villain in an upcoming video game. I had applied to be villain #1 but they said my recording was perfect for the second villain in the game. With the permission of the producers, below are some lines from the game. They do not give away who the mystery villain is. You will have to play the game to find out! Once it’s released I’ll update this post with information as to what the game is and where to get it.