I’ve been having more fun with the Multi-Platform Arcade Game Designer and have ported Ghosts ‘N Goblins — one of my fave arcade games — to the VZ200! It’s a flipscreen version but has all the features, characters, places, etc you expect!
I started working on it several weeks ago — 16th May — so that’s nearly one whole month. Not bad 🙂 (Luckily I sync it to my Github so I can look it up haha!). I did get stuck after a couple of weeks and took a break for a week, plus I had other things on in my life. I came back and was happy my frustration had ended as a clear mind helped me get back in the groove and fix bugs I could not solve before. I had another break for a few more days and when I got back into the flow I didn’t want to stop!
This game has all 4 levels of the Commodore 64 version of the game. It has pretty much all of the monsters, moving platforms, etc. There was extra parts hand-coded as they aren’t a part of MPAGD. One was to display the titlescreen graphics, another was the titlescreen dissolve code, also sound fx code and some other bits and pieces.
You can find a link to download it by visiting my Blue Bilby website. Try it on your real VZ200, VZ300 or the VZ’Em emulator.