My daughter is a big fan of Homestuck and wanted to go to the next Cosplay show dressed as Karkat. I got my Creality Ender 3 going again and printed them out. I also upgraded my Ender 3 with the Capricorn bowden tube and new connectors.

It’s been quite a few months since I printed anything. I tried about a month ago to print these but had problems getting the filament feed to work and re-levelled the bed many times. Perhaps I need some sort of auto-leveller. BLTouch anyone? Anyway, it was time to update the bowden tube with a Capricorn one I got from eBay as well as update the connectors for it while I was at it.

As you can see above, there’s a nice new blue bowden tube and the two connectors on the end make a nice set. The printer is printing very well and is off again printing a spaceship from the Warframe game for my daughter. I bought the tube and connectors upgrades about 3 months ago but had never got around to updating them. Well, they are there now. Next I need to add on the fan protector I printed a long time ago to cover the fan under the print-bed. I also printed the Hero-Me fan addons but haven’t attached them as yet. I also need to update the firmware on my Ender 3 at some stage as it has the default firmware. I did get a small Arduino thingy to do that. I just need the time to do it and the ability not to forget it 🙂